Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Spring Has Sprung

We've gotten rid of almost all of the snow. The bikes are out, and so are the skateboards. No doubt the band-aids aren't far behind!
We've all started the blogging, at Celine's insistence. I'm sure that all the Bennetts have been given the link. Check it out when you have the chance.

This spring Pauline is dancing, singing and learning violin. William is singing, playing guitar and wrestling. Dominique is taking a babysitting course. Celine is singing with a barbershop chorus called the Jewels of Harmony. Me, I'm working. The Pharmacy is as busy as ever, I am now the manager at another store here in town, and I work at the local hospital one day every couple of weeks.

We're busy to say the least. Wouldn't mind hearing about the other Bennetts.

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