Saturday, November 26, 2005

First Snow

Winter has arrived. I had to travel to Temiskaming Shores on Wednesday. I drove through the snow storm and actually overtook it. When I got home last night the snowfall was finished and the driveway was shoveled. The first snow is welcome to the kids but not as favourably viewed by us grown-ups. It looks nice, but it always means work. So for the next 4 or 5 months, we'll be at it again.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Hallowe'en Prep

The big day finally came. William took this pic, so he couldn't be in it. I was at work, (so what else is new?). Gaby is Pauline's friend, Jaydon is William's friend. Anne is Gaby's mother. Celine and Dominique are the twins in the back. They had a lot of fun and got a big haul. Sugar highs for all! The house was a hit with trick or treaters! Posted by Picasa