Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year 2007

William is pooped after attending his first New Year's Eve dance. Celine looks like she's just getting ready to party. Pauline was upset because it was different this year. She stayed at home with Mom & Dad. It's just not supposed to be that way! Happy New Year to all!
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2006 Green Christmas

A green Christmas! So help me God...a GREEN Christmas! This is really rare in these parts. I'm glad we don't own a snowmobile.
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Sunday, November 19, 2006

William's Confirmation

Deacon Joseph O'Neill was William's sponsor. William's chosen name for his Confirmation was....Joseph.
That's a very sharp dressed young man. The Bishop was very good with the kids. There were 20 who went through the ceremony and he posed for all the pictures that they wanted.
All three had a great time. Juice and cake were served and these three had their fair share! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Thanksgiving 2006

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Summer 2006

Poker Night.... Chips are on the table, cards close to the chest, Poker Faces on. Game On.

The Drag Races are an annual event. This little bug was to race a real dragster, but it died on the line. Cool looking car though.
My summer vacation this year was spent building a deck. It even got inspected, and passed with flying colours. Celine and I built it with no outside help. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Spring in Elliot Lake

Here's a before and after pic. William took the original from the local fire lookout. There is a nice little cupola mounted on the side of the hill. William took a really nice pic, but I couldn't leave well enough alone. I used Gertrudis Pro and then warmified a bit with Picasa. Ain't software wonderful?
We keep taking the camera to the dump, but we haven't seen any bears there for 6 or 7 weeks. We saw a mother and her two cubs heading to McDonald's the other day, but the camera was nicely packed away at home. We'll bring the camera with us more often. (Pictures taken by yourself are always better than stock pictures!) Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Spring Has Sprung

We've gotten rid of almost all of the snow. The bikes are out, and so are the skateboards. No doubt the band-aids aren't far behind!
We've all started the blogging, at Celine's insistence. I'm sure that all the Bennetts have been given the link. Check it out when you have the chance.

This spring Pauline is dancing, singing and learning violin. William is singing, playing guitar and wrestling. Dominique is taking a babysitting course. Celine is singing with a barbershop chorus called the Jewels of Harmony. Me, I'm working. The Pharmacy is as busy as ever, I am now the manager at another store here in town, and I work at the local hospital one day every couple of weeks.

We're busy to say the least. Wouldn't mind hearing about the other Bennetts.

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Sunday, March 26, 2006

Giant Lego

This was taken on March 4th. This was Celine's birthday. The power was out and I was trying to curl in a local bonspiel. The warm meal that Celine and the kids had was a good idea, since the power was off for about 5 hours. The house was starting to get cold!
This monolith should be shadow of its former self by now. The sun has been melting some of the white stuff, finallyPosted by Picasa